Problem with Soy

14 02 2010

Soy contains compounds which block the action of enzymes needed for protein digestion, leading to gastric distress, compromised protein digestion and chronic deficiencies in amino acid uptake. Soy is also high in phytates, which block the absorption of essential minerals, including calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. Other compounds called lectins and saponins in soy can contribute to immune problems and gastrointestinal disorders. Soy products are high in fat, low in fiber and generally highly processed.  Stick with fermented soy products like miso and tempeh because fermentation makes soy more digestible and deactivated potentially harmful substances like enzyme inhibitors and phytates. So it is best to stay away from too much tofu and soy milk. Use my recipe for almond milk or try making sesame or hemp milk using the same method.



3 responses

14 02 2010

It can also lead to decreased thyroid function, which I wish I’d known when I became a vegetarian many years ago. I go for moderation in soy products, now.

14 02 2010

Thanks I did not know about the thyroid issue.

Namaste, Katherine

14 02 2010

This is a link to one article about it, but I’m sure there’s other good info out there:

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